Dress Code
Sixth Form Dress Code
Sixth Form students are expected to dress appropriately for the task of learning and act as role models for the rest of the school. Staff are entitled to engage with students over their appearance and exercise judgement over what is suitable within the framework of this dress code. Ultimately the Head of Sixth Form will have the final judgement on the suitability of clothing and has the right to adapt the policy any time.
Male dress code:
- A collared shirt, polo shirt or t-shirt are acceptable (no vest tops, slogans and messages are also not permitted on clothing)
- Smart trousers or jeans (no excessively ripped jeans or tracksuit bottoms)
- Tailored Shorts (no sports shorts)
- Suit jacket, blazer, jumper, cardigan and smart hoodies (slogans and messages are also not permitted on clothing)
- Smart shoes, boots or trainers (no flip flops or sliders)
- Hats and headwear are banned other than for religious purposes.
- Sports clothing can be worn for PE practical lessons however students should get changed at the earliest possible opportunity.
Female dress code:
- Smart tops eg shirt, blouse and t-shirts must be worn (exposure of the abdomen is unacceptable as are strapless, backless and excessively low cut, slogans and messages are also not permitted on clothing)
- Skirts and dresses should not be too short (mid-thigh length at the shortest)
- Smart trousers or jeans (no excessively ripped jeans or tracksuit bottoms)
- Smart shorts (no sports shorts)
- Suit jacket, blazer, jumper, cardigan and smart hoodies (slogans and messages are also not permitted on clothing)
- Smart shoes, boots or trainers (no flip flops or sliders)
- Hats and headwear are banned other than for religious purposes.
- Sports clothing can be worn for PE practical lessons however students should get changed at the earliest possible opportunity.
Hair, tattoos and jewellery:
- Unconventional hair styles and extreme and unnatural hair colours are not acceptable.
- Tattoos should be discreet and not on the face or throat. If it is possible to do so, tattoos should be covered
- Conventional jewellery/earrings with a maximum of one nose stud
Items of value: Items of value (expensive mobile phones, jewellery, iPads, laptops, significant amounts of money, etc.) are brought into the Academy at the pupil’s own risk. We cannot accept liability for loss of valuables. Mobile phones and ipods may be used in the Sixth Form Area but not around the main school.
Lanyards must be worn at all times
Students who arrive at school in items not permitted within the dress code will be asked to go home and change into suitable clothing.