
Our Curriculum Philosophy

Our knowledge rich and diverse curriculum provides all students with access to and deep understanding of a wide range of disciplines.

We challenge students to and equip them with the skills needed to engage with all subjects including, literature, mathematics, the sciences, humanities, and the Arts.

We teach our students to be inquisitive, to ask big questions, to challenge ideas and solve problems.

Our Values curriculum taught in parallel to the academic, enables our students to become confident and independent citizens.

We are ambitious for our students and encourage them to aim high, whilst taking advantage of as many opportunities and experiences as possible.

KS3 (Year 7 - Year 9)

Our students all study the following subjects, click on each one for more information, including an overview of topics taught each term.

There are discreet individual programmes in place to enable students who need SEND provision to be supported.

See our SEND Page for more information.

KS4 (Year 10 - Year 11)

Our students will all continue to study the following subjects, click on each one for more information, including an overview of topics taught each term.

In addition to the core subjects’ students will choose to study four elective certified courses (Vocational or GCSE). We currently offer the following subjects:

Overview of KS5

Follow the link to be taken to our dedicated 6th Form pages The Wellington Academy 6th Form

Values Curriculum

Our Values curriculum is taught in parallel to the academic curriculum. It covers all content of the updated PHSE and RSE curriculum and is delivered through two tutor led sessions per week in each key stage, including KS5.

The curriculum enables our students to share their opinions in a safe environment and develop their understanding of key aspects of life and issues they may encounter. Our Personal Development days which are delivered six times a year, give our students the opportunity to explore these topics in greater depth by providing them with opportunities to link their learning to real life experiences and interaction with people impacted by the topics and themes covered. Students in KS3 and year 10 also complete the Compass for Life leadership training programme more details can be found by visiting our website or following this link

Careers Education, Info, Advice and Guidance

IAG and work-related opportunities are an important part of the curriculum both embedded in our teaching and learning and through additional activities such as work experience, the assemblies programme, and our Values curriculum. It is of the utmost importance that all young people are encouraged and supported to move towards a working life which is right for them; will be enjoyable and provide economic well-being. This is done through the provision of relevant and impartial careers advice and access to meaningful work-related opportunities. More details can be found on our website.


At The Wellington Academy, we believe that regular participation in extra-curricular activities is just as important as excelling in academic subjects. According to numerous studies, students who take an active part in extracurricular activities have better leadership skills, enhanced team working skills and higher levels of sympathy than their peers. Extra-curricular activities enable students to develop skills that will benefit them for life. For example, joining the football club can improve hand-eye coordination and teamwork skills, attending a drama class will harness their creativity whilst developing public speaking skills. Other benefits include:

• Improved self-esteem

• Exploration and a broader perspective

• Wider social network with actual rather than virtual interactions

• Time management and responsibility

• Greater opportunities for success

All students are encouraged to participate in at least one extra-curricular activity per week, selected from a broad and diverse menu, including sports clubs, theatre, music, creative arts or learning a new language to name but a few. A full list of what is offered is published termly on the school website.