Welcome to the Library
The library exists to inspire and support the learning of the whole school community, the curriculum and beyond. Our belief is that reading brings enjoyment and offers the key skill for lifelong learning, with the power to transform lives. The library actively supports and promotes reading for pleasure and for information.

What We Offer
The school library has been developed as a learning space, centrally situated at the heart of the school. It aims to be both comfortable and welcoming, offering a growing range of resources. We run events and activities that encourage a love of reading and improve reading abilities. These include Workshops with critically acclaimed authors such as Lindsey Fairclough.
All Year 7, 8 and 9 students also take part in the Accelerated Reader individual and monitored reading programme in which they read their own choice of books and at their own level.

The Accelerated Reader Programme
The library aims to play a full part in providing resources to back up the school’s Accelerated Reader programme.

Practical Information
The library is open from 9.00 until 3.30 Monday to Friday during term time. Every break time and lunch time, depending on library lessons taking place. Students may use the library before school, during breaks and after school within these times. All staff and students automatically become members of the library from their first day at the Wellington Academy. Students can borrow up to 3 books for 2 weeks. There is no charge for borrowing books, there will however, be a charge for lost or damaged books as stated in the Library Borrowing Conditions below.
Users of the library are asked to respect the space in which they are working or meeting and to be considerate of other users.
Get in Touch
You can reserve books and leave reviews by logging into the library system at https://u013945.microlibrarian.net/. Alternatively, if there is a title you want to read, or that you think should be in the library you can contact the librarian by emailing: CarolMoorhouse@wx0vxjp3e6.onrocket.site.