Parent FAQs
What if my child is unwell, who do I call?
Please make sure you ring as early as possible, ideally before 8.30. You will need to ring on each day that your child is unwell. For all year groups please contact the main academy telephone number 01264 405060, choose option 1 and leave a message.
What if my child has not returned home at the normal time?
Please call the main Academy number on 01264 405060.
How do I contact a member of staff?
The first port of call should always be with your child’s tutor who will endeavor to reply to you within 24hrs of your message being received. If for any reason you do not receive a response please contact your child’s student manager
Will my child get homework?
The core subjects of English, maths and science will set at least one 30 minute piece of home learning for all students in KS3 and KS4 every week.
The non-core subjects will set at least one 30 minute piece of homework for all students in KS3 and KS4 every fortnight. For accelerated groups, the homework task will be more challenging and require greater student independence.
Will I receive a report on my child’s progress?
As you will be aware, we monitor both academic achievement and attitude to learning on a regular basis. Reports are issued through the Parent Portal. If you need support using this, please contact your child’s student manager.
Where can I find the dates for Academy holidays?
Term dates and holidays are published on our website under The Academy tab, Calendar & Term Dates.
My child needs to leave early for an appointment
Please send a note with your child which you have signed. This needs to be given to their teacher at the beginning of the lesson they need to leave. The teacher will then sign it to confirm they are ok to leave.
Things to remember
Teaching staff are teaching from 8.40 – 3.00 and will aim to respond to your query outside of these times.
All staff have access to email and are happy to receive queries through this method of communication.