We require all children at the Wellington Academy to have the best possible attendance to enable them to reach their full potential. Equally, parents/carers have a duty to make sure that their children attend school regularly and on time. All of the staff at the Wellington Academy are committed to working closely with parents/carers as the best way to ensure the highest possible levels of attendance. Communication between home and school is vital if we are to achieve this and maintain accurate, up to date attendance records for our students.
As an Academy we would appreciate your support in the following ways:
- Telephone the school before 8.40am to tell us why your child is absent and when you expect them to return, with a letter to explain absence.
- Parent/carer is expected to contact the school for each day of absence for their child.
- Keep in regular contact with the Academy if they are likely to be absent for a period of time.
- Only allow your child to stay at home for genuine illness.
- Ensure your child arrives in good time and prepared to start the school day by 8.30am.
- Avoid booking non-urgent medical appointments during the school day.
- Ensure your child knows to sign in and out of the Academy for any authorised appointments they need to attend.
- If you have any concerns or need to talk to us about your child please contact us so we can support you and your child and resolve any issues.
- Always praise good attendance and punctuality.
Leave of Absence Requests
Please note: National Guidelines means that we are unable to authorise absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. Any request for leave of absence MUST be submitted prior to any request on the Wellington Academy ‘Leave of Absence’ form, this can be obtained from the Academy.
Please read the Wiltshire Council Local Authority leaflet which is on our website explaining Penalty Notices issued for unauthorised Leave of Absence during term time. Copies are available at reception
If you have any questions or require further information regarding this please contact Beverley Eccles, our Senior Welfare and Attendance Officer.
If you miss 3.5 days of school each half term over your school life you will miss a staggering 1.5 years of education.
- Missing just 17 days in one year can mean dropping a full grade at GCSE.
- The rate of offending by young people who truant school is 3 times higher than those who do not truant.
- School truants are 6 times more likely to be unemployed.
- 5 or more GCSEs can increase wages by 42%.
- 90% of persistent truants do not achieve 5 A*-C grades.
Every School Day Counts
Days off school add up to lost learning. Please don’t let your children miss out on the education they deserve.